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How Do I Get Started?

What Types of Services Do You Offer?

Freelance Paralegal Services, LLC

Contact me at (920) 901-6812 or  My initial consultation is free.  I work with attorneys and businesses throughout Wisconsin and beyond. 

I work in many different practice areas.  I am currently spending most of my time in business entity formation, organization and management, business transactions, trademarks and real estate, but have also worked extensively on complex civil litigation in the past several years.  I can work with you on short or long-term projects or just overflow work.  The list of services below is only a sampling of paralegal services I offer.  If you are interested in work that is not on the list, please contact me. 


  • Set up and Maintain Business Entities
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Business Transactions
  • Dissolutions
  • Contracts/Agreements
  • Trademarks
  • Patent Renewals
  • Corporate Research
  • Real Estate (commercial and residential)
  • Legal Research
  • Jury Pool Research
  • Research Witness Backgrounds
  • Asset Research
  • Case Analysis, Organization and Management
  • Case Timelines and Chronologies
  • Work With Expert Witnesses
  • Deposition Summaries
  • Deposition Preparation
  • Medical Record Summaries and Analysis
  • Draft Pleadings
  • Organize and Index Voluminous Pleadings and Documents
  • Prepare and Organize Trial Exhibits and Trial Binders
  • Draft Discovery Responses
  • Issue Subpoenas
  • Assist in Settlement Proceedings
  • File Organization
  • Billing/Invoicing